Indian Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday led in-depth discussions with top executives from the country’s energy sector and officials from the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. The talks focused on advancing India’s energy transition, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) across the hydrocarbon value chain, and strengthening energy infrastructure.
In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Puri emphasized the importance of these discussions, which were centered around the future of India’s energy sector under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Puri highlighted the country’s ambition to transform into a global energy hub, noting the sector’s rapid growth and its potential for investment and job creation.
“Held comprehensive and detailed discussions with captains & professionals of India’s energy sector entities & officials of @PetroleumMin in Mangaluru on the journey ahead for the sector under the visionary & decisive leadership of PM @narendramodi Ji,” Puri wrote. He added that key topics included the green energy transition, the use of AI in the hydrocarbon industry, infrastructure expansion, scaling ethanol production, and the monetization of overseas assets.
“As India pivots toward transforming into a global energy hub, the sector is experiencing unprecedented growth & offers abundant investment & employment opportunities. Key focal areas of the day-long discussion today included green energy transition, leveraging artificial intelligence along the entire hydrocarbons value chain, expansion and strengthening of existing infrastructure, scaling ethanol production and blending, monetizing overseas assets, and enhancing operational capabilities,” he further added.
Union minister also discussed the Global Biofuels Alliance initiative, along with strategies to integrate natural gas into coal-based power plants. We also addressed challenges related to retail outlets and the implementation of localized, customized Non Fuel Retail activities. The session underscored India’s commitment to driving innovation and sustainability in its energy sector while addressing emerging opportunities and challenges.
“As India confidently strides towards becoming the third largest economy in the world, we will emerge as the demand centre for energy accounting for more than 25% of the overall increase in global energy demand in the next two decades to drive this unprecedented economic growth,” he concluded.
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