Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, during his official visit to Sangam Nagri, Prayagraj, inspected the ongoing construction of the state’s largest bio-CNG facility. The plant is being developed by EverEnviro Resource Management Pvt Ltd in collaboration with the Prayagraj Municipal Corporation. Expressing satisfaction with the progress, the Chief Minister instructed officials to expedite commercial operations.
Spread across 12.5 acres near Jahangirabad and Arail Ghat in Naini, the facility is expected to produce 21.5 metric tonnes of bio-CNG, 200 metric tonnes of fermented organic manure (FOM), and 30 metric tonnes of briquettes daily. This initiative aligns with the Waste-to-Wealth mission, offering an annual revenue potential of Rs 53 lakh by transforming municipal waste into valuable resources. It marks a major step forward in addressing waste management challenges and promoting sustainability.
The project will be implemented in two phases. The first phase will include two digesters capable of processing 200 tonnes of wet waste daily, generating 8.9 tonnes of bio-CNG. The second phase will increase production capacity to 13.2 tonnes of bio-CNG per day.
Mahesh Girdhar, MD & CEO of EverEnviro Resource Management Pvt. Ltd., emphasized the project’s role in addressing waste management and renewable energy generation. “This facility will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution while providing clean energy and high-quality manure. It fosters a circular economy, benefiting both urban and rural communities and supporting India’s renewable energy goals,” he said.
The plant is expected to cut down approximately 56,700 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually by diverting waste from landfills. The FOM produced will improve soil health and crop productivity across nearly 1 lakh acres each year.
KA Chowdary, Chief Projects and Operations Officer at EverEnviro highlighted the plant’s role in promoting sustainability. “We are dedicated to boosting Uttar Pradesh’s renewable energy capacity, supporting regenerative agriculture through organic manure, and creating green jobs. This plant will reduce environmental impact while fostering economic growth through job creation and revenue generation,” he added.
Prayagraj has faced mounting waste management issues, with garbage accumulating daily. This bio-CNG plant, part of the Prayagraj Municipal Corporation’s initiative, aims to tackle the problem by processing waste from households, hotels, restaurants, and temples into bio-CNG and organic manure, ensuring a steady source of income.
The project is also expected to generate around 200 jobs, boosting the local economy. It represents a significant step towards a cleaner and more sustainable Prayagraj.
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